Monday, October 18, 2010

Heart and Pacemaker Surgery

To stay up to date on all the newest updates visit my Xanga....

Update 5:20am 10/18: grandma is now on her way to the hospital for the surgery.

Monday morning is Grandma's Heart and Pacemaker Surgery. She needs to head into the hospital very early. I have to have her ready by 5am. She needs to be there by 6am. Her surgery is scheduled for 7:30am eastern. She will be required to stay in the hospital at least one night following surgery.

Please keep her in your thoughts/prayers/duas/etc

Thank you

Monday, October 4, 2010


Grandma goes in for her heart surgery on October 18th.
She needs to be at the hospital at 6am. I need to get her ready by 5am.
Her name is Hannah Martin and she is 85. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.