Forged: Writing in the Name of God
by Bart D. Ehrman
I really enjoyed reading this book and I think that it would be a good book for all people to read.
Here are a few things I read about in the book. If any of this interests you then you should pick up the book and read it. Or if you are a christian, then you really should read this book.
Many early christian writings are pseudonymous, going under a false name. A more common word for this is forgery.
Second Thessalonians which claims to be written by Paul warns against falling for forgeries but it itself is a forgery.
Some believe that Revelation was written by a heretic named Cerinthus.
Many of the books in the bible are not written by who they claim to be written by.
Orthonymous writing is one really written by the person claiming to be writing it. Seven out of 13 of the things in the bible by Paul are actually written by him.
Something else to think about for all you bible followers....
The bible is against deception right? God appears to use deception are times. Example... God told Jonah to tell Nineveh that in 40 days it would be destroyed. God, who is supposedly all knowing would have known though that the people would repent and that he (god) would not destroy the city. So he was never actually planning to destroy the city was he?
The New Testament has a letter allegedly by Paul to Titus which is a forgery.
1 Peter and 2 Peter both say they are written by Peter but he probably didn't write them. Peter was an illiterate peasant. Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Both Peter and John were agrammatoi aka unlettered aka illiterate.
Also it is written in Greek and Peter didn't speak Greek but Aramaic.
Do you know how many books in the bible are not written by the people that claim to have written it, but people still use all of them to base a religion on. A religion based on a book that has forgers as many of the authors.
Go out and read this book :)
I watched Bart Ehrman's New Testament lectures on dvd from the library and he was fascinating. So much that I never learned in all those hours of Sunday School. -dingus6 from Xanga.