99 Coffins: A Historical Vampire Tale
by David Wellington
In Gettysburg there is a cemetery. In it lie 100 coffins. 99 of the coffins hold vampires, who are missing their hearts. One coffin is smashed, broken and empty.
Who was in that coffin? Does he have the 99 hearts? If those hearts were put back in the 99 bodies that would make an army of vampires.
How did they lie there undisturbed for 150 years?
Laura Caxton has to figure all that out and save Gettysburg from a mass invasion of the undead.
Laura works for the Bureau of Criminal Investigations. Her live in girlfriend, Clara, works as a police photographer for the sheriff"s department in Lancaster County.
I always find it interesting to read books that are "based" in my area.
The vampires in this book aren't those "sexy vampires" and they don't sparkle either :)
This book really drew me in. I almost cried when Laura calls her girlfriend and tells her that she loves her because Laura knows that it might end bad. Laura might not make it through the night alive.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
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