It was a great day with tons of fun. I got a great necklace, bracelet, and a Reading Pride T-shirt.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Reading Pride 2012
Reading Pride 2012 at Centre Park Reading.
It was a great day with tons of fun. I got a great necklace, bracelet, and a Reading Pride T-shirt.

It was a great day with tons of fun. I got a great necklace, bracelet, and a Reading Pride T-shirt.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Shut Up
Shut Up
by Anne Tibbets
I was excited to get this book in the mail. I got this book for free through Goodreads. I was excited because the book sounded really interesting.
I was even more excited to open the book and see that Anne Tibbets signed the book. I love that she took the time to sign it for me. Thank you Anne for signing it and for writing this book.
Now on to the book.....
Mary's older sister, Gwen, has royally screwed up her life. Not only is Gwen pregnant at seventeen, but she's also decided to marry The Creep who knocked her up.
Now Mary is powerless to stop her family from imploding. Her parents are freaking out, and to top it off The Creep has a gross fascination with Mary while Gwen enjoys teasing her to tears for sport.
Despite her brother's advice to shut up, Mary can't keep her trap closed and manages to piss off Mom so much it comes to blows.
Mary doesn't know what to do, and all her attempts to get help are rejected. When she finally plans her escape, she fails to consider how it could destroy them all.
It is not a huge book at under 125 pages, but the length of a book isn't everything. A book doesn't have to have 300 or more pages to be a good book and this isn't just a good is a great book. It's a short book that you won't forget about anytime soon.
I would put this book on a MUST READ list. I think that everyone 16+ should read this book.
This book really touched me. I don't know how to put into words the way that this book moved me other then to say that I really think that people should read this book.
If you've ever felt like you weren't good enough, you couldn't do anything right, have been belittled or bullied, "Shut Up" is a must read.
For more information about Anne, visit her website at, her blog at or on Facebook at
I give this book a 5 out of 5
FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Glow (Sky Chasers #1)
by Amy Kathleen Ryan
What if you were bound for a new world, about to pledge your life to someone you'd been promised to since birth, and one unexpected violent attack made survival—not love—the issue?
Out in the murky nebula lurks an unseen enemy: the New Horizon. On its way to populate a distant planet in the wake of Earth's collapse, the ship's crew has been unable to conceive a generation to continue its mission. They need young girls desperately, or their zealous leader's efforts will fail. Onboard their sister ship, the Empyrean, the unsuspecting families don't know an attack is being mounted that could claim the most important among them...
Fifteen-year-old Waverly is part of the first generation to be successfully conceived in deep space; she was born on the Empyrean, and the large farming vessel is all she knows. Her concerns are those of any teenager—until Kieran Alden proposes to her. The handsome captain-to-be has everything Waverly could ever want in a husband, and with the pressure to start having children, everyone is sure he's the best choice. Except for Waverly, who wants more from life than marriage—and is secretly intrigued by the shy, darkly brilliant Seth.
But when the Empyrean faces sudden attack by their assumed allies, they quickly find out that the enemies aren't all from the outside.
I received this book for free through GoodReads First Read.
Waverly is a young girl. She feels like there is more to her life then just getting married and having children but she is expected to get married and have children while young so she doesn't seem to have much choice. This book takes place on a spaceship and I tend to stay away from spaceship books but this book was great.
One thing though I hate when books end in a cliffhanger. I really hate when authors do that. It makes me want to stop reading the series when they do that because I hate waiting for the next book to come out to see what happens.
Dear writers...if you are a good write you do not need to end a book in a cliffhanger to get us to read the next one. Thank you.
There was also some religion vs atheism parts to the story. The New Horizon, holds the religious colonists, and the Empyrean, holds the non-religious colonists. She does a good job of showing how people use belief in god as a way to wield power and how religion can be used as a tool.
This book got quite dark in some of the things that it talked about and addressed but I really feel that it helped make the book what it is. I like that the author did not shy away from the dar.
I think if you like Battlestar Galactica then you should give this book a try.
4 out of 5 stars
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The Truth About Water - Bottle vs Tap

Did you know that...
Bottled water is not safer than tap water. In fact, the federal government requires more rigorous and frequent safety testing and monitoring of municipal drinking water.
Bottled water is thousands of times more expensive than tap water. Compare $0.002 per gallon for most tap water to a range of $0.89 to $8.26 per gallon for bottled waters.
Bottled water hurts the environment. After millions of barrels of oil are used to produce and ship plastic water bottles, 75% of them land in the garbage or our waterways instead of the recycle bin.
To make 1 bottle of water, 3 times that amount of water is wasted in production.

Independent testing of bottled water conducted by the Environmental Working Group in 2008 found that 10 popular brands of bottled water, purchased from grocery stores and other retailers in 9 states and the District of Columbia, contained 38 chemical pollutants, with an average of 8 contaminants in each brand.
American consumers drink more bottled water every year, in part because they think it is somehow safer or better than tap water. They collectively spend hundreds or thousands of dollars more per gallon for water in a plastic bottle than they would for the H20 flowing from their taps. Rather than buying into this myth of purity in a bottle, consumers should drink from the tap. Bottled water generally is no cleaner, or safer, or healthier than tap water. In fact, the federal government requires far more rigorous and frequent safety testing and monitoring of municipal drinking water.
In some cases, beverage companies use misleading labels, including marketing bottled tap water as spring water. In fact, as much as 40 percent of bottled water is bottled tap water.
Furthermore, the production of bottled water causes many equity, public health, and environmental problems. The big beverage companies often take water from municipal or underground sources that local people depend on for drinking water. Producing the plastic bottles uses energy and emits toxic chemicals. Transporting the bottled water across hundreds or thousands of miles spews carbon dioxide into the air, complicating our efforts to combat global climate change. And in the end, empty bottles are piling up in landfills.
Myth: Bottled water tastes better than tap water.
Fact: In taste test after taste test, people can’t tell the difference. Corporate Accountability International’s “Think Outside the Bottle” campaign has held countless taste tests comparing bottled water to tap water, as have many media outlets, from The New York Times to Cleveland’s local TV news channel. The results generally favor the tap. Ultimately, however, the point isn’t whether one tastes better than the other—its how our tastes are shaped by advertising, rather than by what’s good for us. Between 10 and 15 percent of the price of a bottle of water goes to cover advertising costs. We not only buy their myths, it turns out we pay extra for them.
Myth: Bottled water is convenient.
Fact: What is more convenient than nearly-free water running from your kitchen tap, and from public sources in schools, parks, offices, and sports stadiums? Sadly, we have come to confuse “disposability” with convenience; but there is nothing convenient about shipping water thousands of miles from its source, or all the waste and other costs associated with needless production and disposal of plastics. More convenient than buying bottled water is buying a reusable bottle and filling it from public sources. The leading organizations that promote reusable bottles recommend stainless steel or lined aluminum as sturdiest and safest.
Myth: Plastic bottles are recyclable, and are being made with thinner plastics, making them increasingly “green.”
Reality: Some 4 billion PET bottles end up in the U.S. waste stream each year, costing cities some $70 million in cleanup and landfill costs. A plastic water bottle can take up to 1000 years to degrade in a landfill; when plastic is burned in incinerators, it releases dioxins, some of the most harmful manmade chemicals that exist. And most recycling is actually downcycling: making lower quality products than the originals, and requiring the addition of virgin plastics and toxic chemicals in the process. There is nothing green about that.
Myth: Still, bottled water is green. I mean, it’s got to be, it’s water…
Fact: It takes about three liters of water and approximately 3.4 megajoules of energy to produce and sell a single liter of water in a plastic bottle. The 31.2 billion liters of bottled water consumed annually in the United States require more than 17 million barrels of oil to produce. According to the Container Recycling Institute, in the U.S. an estimated 144 billion containers were wasted in 2005. While recycling the bottles offers moderate environmental benefits, drinking tap water has a MUCH lower carbon footprint than drinking bottled water. That makes drinking tap water one of the best, and easiest, things we can do to reduce global warming.

Myth: Bottled water plants bring desirable jobs.
Fact 1: Bottled water plants bring few jobs.
Overall, bottled water facilities employ few people. In 2006, the nation‚ 628 water-bottling plants employed fewer than 15,000 people, so each plant averaged only around 24 employees.
As studies have shown, when a new bottling plant comes to a town, the couple dozen jobs it does bring benefit mostly people from outside the community, not the residents who gave up control over their water for the promise of jobs. In the long-term, one study says, a town’s residents occupy only 10 to 40 percent of all new jobs created by overall employment growth.
A typical bottled water plant with 24 workers will employ between two and 10 local residents. This is a far cry from what towns expect when they sign control of their water away to corporate interests.
Fact 2: Bottled water plants bring low-wage jobs.
Local residents that do secure jobs at bottled water plants likely will earn low wages. A bottled water employee‚ annual earnings fall more than a thousand dollars short of what the average U.S. worker makes. Compared to a typical manufacturing job, bottled water workers are really losing out – to the tune of $10,000 each year.
Setting the bar low is no way to lift up a cash-strapped community. If anything, it could further depress wages and scare away businesses that rely on households surplus income – two losses that cut into a local government‚ tax base and drive down the local economy.
Fact 3: Bottled water plants bring dangerous jobs.
Such low wages can’t possibly compensate bottled water workers for the risks they take every day at their jobs.
In 2006, bottled water manufacturing had one of the highest rates of workplace injury and illness. With one incident for every 11 workers, bottled water workers are injured and fall sick more than twice as often as the typical private sector worker. The injury rate of bottled water workers is also 50 percent higher than both the broader manufacturing industry and the construction industry. What’s more, nearly half of these cases were so serious that they required job transfer or restricted duties at work.
These injuries and illnesses are often severe and can have lasting effects. Bottled water workers lose their hearing eight times more often than a typical private sector worker. They suffer three times as many sprains and strains, and they are caught in an object or piece of machinery three times as often. The work at these plants is so hard that bottled water workers experience overexertion three times as often as typical private sector workers.
What good is creating jobs that are so dangerous that injury prevents people from working them?
Bottled water wastes fossil fuels in production and transport. Bottled water production in the United States used the energy equivalent of 32 and 54 million barrels of oil to produce and transport plastic water bottles in 2007—enough to fuel about 1.5 million cars for a year. Rather than being recycled, about 75 percent of the empty plastic bottles end up in our landfills, lakes, streams and oceans, where they may never fully decompose.
Do you drink bottled water? How often? Will you change that and switch to tap and reusable water bottles? Thoughts?
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Thirteenth Sacrifice
The Thirteenth Sacrifice: A Witch Hunt Novel
by Debbie ViguiƩ
When young women start dying, Boston cop Samantha Ryan is the perfect person to investigate, for only she knows what the archais symbol carved into their flesh means. The last in a long line of ruthless witches, she grew up in a coven seduced by power and greed. And now she's sure that bad witches have returned to Salem. Reluctantly, Samantha goes undercover-into a town obsessed with black magic, into her terrifying past, and into thedark, newly awakened heart of evil.
This book is so good. I absolutely cannot wait for the next book in the Witch Hunt series.
“Everywhere she looked there were shadows. Somewhere far away a man was chanting in a deep voice, and with each word a new cut appeared on her arms, until she was bleeding from a dozen wounds.”
“I can barely live with the things I have done. How can I ask him too? “
This book draws you in and keeps you hooked. There is also a twist that you don't see coming.
Awesome book 5 out of 5 stars
Monday, May 28, 2012
Shooters: The Toughest Men in Professional Wrestling
Shooters: The Toughest Men in Professional Wrestling
by Jonathan Snowden
Expected publication: June 1st 2012 by ECW Press
Received Advanced Copy for free through Goodreads First Reads
From William Muldoon to Brock Lesnar, this history covers those who have divided themselves as tough guys on the professional wrestling circuit and legitimate confrontations. From catch wrestling master Billy Robinson to the Japanese professional wrestler who gave birth to the global phenomenon that is modern mixed martial arts (MMA), this investigation travels from the shadowy carnival tent and the dingy training hall to the bright lights of the squared circle and the Las Vegas glitz of the octagon. Billy Riley's legendary Wigan Snake Pit and the rigorous UWF Dojo in Tokyo are explored, revealing the secret history of both professional wrestling and the rising sport of MMA. Squared circle icons Strangler Lewis and Lou Thesz and Olympic heroes Danny Hodge and Kurt Angle are also featured.
I grew up watching wrestling. I even watched it as a newborn :) My grandfather would watch it and I always sat and watched it with him. Growing up in the 1980's I would spend most of the day on Saturday sitting with Grandpa watching wrestling.
This book is really interesting and really good. I learned things that I didn't know. It is interesting to read about wrestling in the 1800's.
I enjoyed reading about Ken Shamrock. I had not known a lot about his journey to wrestling. It was interesting to read about him.
It was fun reading about Kurt Angle. I was never a big Kurt Angle fan but enjoyed reading about him. Reading about his back and neck damage and all the harm he did to his body. He was also fired from WWE because he was a mess physically, mentally, and emotionally. He also had a pain pill problem.
This book was a good read. If you watch wrestling or maybe watched it as a child, then go out and buy this book. Expected date to hit the stores: June 1st 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Dark Descendant
Dark Descendant (Nikki Glass #1)
by Jenna Black
Nikki Glass can track down any man. But when her latest client turns out to be a true descendant of Hades, Nikki now discovers she can’t die. . . .
Crazy as it sounds, Nikki’s manhunting skills are literally god-given. She’s a living, breathing descendant of Artemis who has stepped right into a trap set by the children of the gods. Nikki’s new “friends” include a descendant of Eros, who uses sex as a weapon; a descendant of Loki, whose tricks are no laughing matter; and a half-mad descendant of Kali who thinks she’s a spy.
But most powerful of all are the Olympians, a rival clan of immortals seeking to destroy all Descendants who refuse to bow down to them. In the eternal battle of good god/bad god, Nikki would make a divine weapon. But if they think she’ll surrender without a fight, the gods must be crazy.
This is a really good Urban Fantasy novel about Greek gods. I started reading this book and I was hooked. It is just so good.
I have read other books by Jenna Black before and that is what caused me to pick up this book. Her other books were so good that I hoped that this one would be to and she did not disappoint. I love this book.
I suggest that you pick up this book and read it and while you are at it grab book two Deadly Descendant because as soon as you are done with Dark Descendant you will want to read Deadly Descendant.
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